Watch protection services are not new and have been serving the luxury watch holder for years in protecting the value of high-end timepieces. The protection of a watch through a shell is exceptional and will justify the time and money it requires. Various watch protectors provide a range of protective solutions that ensure your timepieces are secure and safe. TPT offers watch protection watch shell protectors and every product they deliver is made up of durable material.

All you need to know about TPT Watch Protection Services
TPT premium services offer a lot to its customers, and their services are exclusive which will build a trustworthy relationship between you and the company. Let’s dive deeper into the world of watch protection to learn more about Watch shell protectors and other services offered.
Arrival in Dubai – Welcoming New Customers
A TPT Watch shell protector is the most trusted name in Dubai’s watch protection industry. TPT services not only offer the time but also provide luxury watch protection services that will amaze you. TPT understand the need to polish and remove the scratches from the watch. However, they are also aware of the fact that sometimes during this process you lose the actual gloss of your prized asset.
Here come the TPT watch shell services which are one of the easily accessible service providers. Joining the journey of safeguarding your watch will give you relief. TPT watch shells will add life to your high-end timepiece.
Watch shell material – How to know the Quality?
The material of the watch shell protector is important to know regarding the quality of it.
- One of the easiest methods through which watch shell protector material can be determined includes the checking manufacturer specifications provided.
- Another approach to checking the material of the watch shell is checking the engraving which indicates the material used in the manufacturing including stainless steel or SS.
- Weight checking is also used for confirmation about whether or not the material used in the making of the watch shell is premium.
- Scratches test can also be performed to check the hardness and scratch resistance of the shell.
Watch shell covers – Forget your worries
The watch shell protectors help you retain the value of the high-end timepiece. The shell of the cover of the watch is designed through different processes. For instance, it is being manufactured by 3D scanning and print technology allowing the shell to be of exact fit to the watch.
This will also enable you to avail the customization option and choose the shell according to the model and brand. You can also get the Rolex watch protection film, Rolex watch protection film and more.

Coverage – Watch shell Got You!
Peace of Mind – Seven Magical Steps
The watch casing services by the TPT also include watch protection film installation services, seven easy steps through which you can easily use Watch shell protectors and increase the life of your branded and precious watch. Following are the steps you need to learn regarding film protection installation.
- The first step is simple; including just the cleaning watch so that there will be no dust or dirt on it. Along with that fill the bottle with pure water.
- The second step is divided into two further steps, firstly, you have to carefully peel off the shell from the pack followed by spraying water on the sticky side of the shell and placing it on the side of your watch they are corresponding.
- The third step is removing water bubbles inside the shell, which you can do with your fingers or plastic tweezers.
- The fourth step is to let the shell or protector dry for a minimum of 3 minutes after the attachments.
- The fifth step is to press the attached area firmly to ensure that the protection film is secured.
- The sixth and most important step is to not wear your timepiece for one day at least, to confirm its durability.
- The last step is to enjoy the ownership of watch shell protectors that have now increased the life and added value to your high-end watch.
Coverage – TPT Got You!
Another significant aspect of TPT watch protection services is that their protectors cover the wide area of your luxury watch including Case – Front/ Side/ Back, LUG – front and back, Glass, Bezel insert, bracelet, and buckle.

Your luxury watch deserves more and to pamper it and to protect your hand from scars and scratches from the rough watch, all you need to do is availing expert watch protection services. Luxury watch maintenance services include protectors, films and more. The blog above has already highlighted all the important things that are important for you to know to protect your luxury watch including the material they use, the installation process, range of watches, and coverage of the protector. Grab your watch shell service now and make sure that your personality dazzles every time you wear a watch protected with Watch shell protectors.